•Thursday, February 12, 2009
It is almost 11am and I'm running behind on the schedule for day... largely involving sleep. This morning hasn't been wonderful physically with a surprise edition of AF. Hooray for lethargy, diarrhoea, headache and vasovagal symptoms. So it has taken me an awfully long time to get into a fit state for a treadmill run. Surprisingly, I made it through without too much difficulty. In fact I suspect it is finally time to work on reducing my rest phase to less than the run.
The last couple of weeks have been intensely busy as most of my days off have been utilised for the purpose of wedding organisations. Fortunately, I have made significant ground and am approaching two weeks worth of three working days allowing for plenty of opportunity to get the nitty gritty done. Although, I must admit feeling a touch stressed given I've got two months left to knock it over!
It terms of my exercise program, the new kettlebell circuits are proving to work a treat. I've found rapid improvement in my technique, overall strength as well as a relatively easy way to slot in a 30 minute workout that perfectly targets my calorie crunching heart rate. This week I decided to get up an hour early (0400) to run through the circuit and found it to be acceptable. The loss of sleep is not detrimental, I work out much better in the morning and it allows me time with my boy at night. :-)
This week has also seen the start of 1400 calorie diet. In order to accommodate this I will need to replace bran entirely with oatmeal (which will also kill soy milk but that will mean less salt) and replace most fruit with a small quantity of brown rice. I'll also need to cut back on the fats but will need to play around with the makeup of my frittata and the quantity of nuts. The carbohydrate cut has meant the pre-work kettlebell circuit is done on an empty stomach and my protein shake prior to intervals has ~10g less carb powder. I've been able to complete both exercises without difficulty although feel a slight gastro disturbance after each which generally indicates my body is out of fuel.
Work is going well at the moment. I'm about to lose my QUT student but have thoroughly enjoyed that time I've had with them and am looking forward to providing an absolutely glowing report for this bright spark! :-D Next week it will be time for my skills reassessment. It should go fine but as always, I'm feeling a tad nervous and worried about having a complete mental blank when asked a basic question.
Think that basically covers it all for the moment. Time for breakfast I think!