Author: Greeny
•Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Brrrrrr! It is COLD Image and video hosting by TinyPic this morning!!

Sooooo.... with much nervous anxiety, I went off to my first kickboxing Image and video hosting by TinyPic session last night and I have to say that I absolutely LOVED Image and video hosting by TinyPic it!

The gym is slightly run down with use but feels cozy as anything!  There are all manner of kick bags Image and video hosting by TinyPic and targets hanging from the ceilings, attached to walls and even free standing. Evidence of some written physical nightmares, skipping ropes, steps, chin up contraptions and for goodness knows what reason, a massive flat screen TV.  At the back, there is even a boxing ring! 

The staff are incredibly friendly and I was floored Image and video hosting by TinyPic the co-owner, this elite champion with rippling abs actually noticed my existence and said hello. 

It was apparently a rare night where most of the crowds had stayed away because of the cold.  The boxing class had only one student and the ladies gig was comprised of just the four of us.  I was taken by a woman who I could see had a wealth of experience.  She was very encouraging and able to provide sensible instruction, catering to each of our needs.  I didn't get much of a chance to sticky beak at where the other girls were at although I knew one was new and the other two didn't have a fighting or great fitness background.

After getting over my initial nervousness, I felt completely at home and HUNGRY to learn.  Bringing my guard back to my face instead of the floating rib proved to be a great challenge and all my usual weaknesses were uncovered pretty quickly.  We did a fair bit of punching and kicking bags as well as combination work before moving onto some progressive fatigue exercises utilising either push ups or crunches with either jabs or palm heel strike.  Finally, we did some very basic self defence...  Funnily enough... nothing new... things I'd done before in GKR.  In fact, there weren't any concepts in the whole session which I hadn't learned through GKR but I was given the attention to fix errors.

Spending a good hour belting things was hard work. Image and video hosting by TinyPic I was had a decent sweat and a stitch by the end of it. It wasn't brutal but it was a great deal of fun.  So I signed up.  $20/week on the winter special which entitles to me unlimited access to classes.  There is boxing on every night, followed by kickboxing Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.  Boxing Saturday morning and the ladies alternative on Tuesday evenings. Talk about stunning value!  I am totally, totally stoke and can say that I haven't felt this enthusiastic about anything since I started karate.  Ever get this feeling like things were just meant to be??? Image and video hosting by TinyPic

As a side note, it has been a busyish week so far.  Caught up with K1 on Monday and was literally pwned by the sunshine coast.  Yeah... never trust google maps or my stupid phone again which couldn't locate my position to save itself.  Last night I checked again only to see that it thought I was a whole suburb north of my bedroom.  So, always look at the refidex - never go with wrong that!  Don't I just sound like an old fashioned biddy!! Image and video hosting by TinyPic We went out for lunch and then spent a few hours chatting about everything work, uni, love, leisure, life etc.    Yesterday I tripped around to pick up some supplements and procrastinated terribly before calling about the sessions. (So glad that I Niked!). Today, catching up with L at Carindale for lunch and movie probably.  See how I go for the rest of the week.  Maybe catching up with K2 over the weekend. But I probably also need to conserve a little bit of my time next week before I have to start back at work.  Boy I wish I could put the brakes on that!

Going back for the boxing and kickboxing double tonight! Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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