Author: Greeny
•Monday, April 19, 2010
This morning was day one.

Day one of what you ask?

Day one of saddle up and knuckle down! Image and video hosting by TinyPic

I've been playing with group fitness for a while now and doing a bit a PT session each week... trying to eat like a "normal" person.

I have established after a few months that I am dissatisfied with that routine. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Time to take it up a notched, shed the fat again bring my fitness up to speed.

Admittedly, my ideas are still a bit vague and work in progress but I am consulting with my PT to include some interval training and weights Image and video hosting by TinyPic on a few of the days when I am not with him.

My schedule is a little painful because of work but I think it will balance out in the end.

This morning was an easy start. The usual trainer did a no-show until after the session. Her boss is a little bit unhappy and has promised us all a free half hour PT session. Score! Image and video hosting by TinyPic We did our own thing anyway.

As planned, I backed the session up with 30 minutes on the bike at Jetts. Loving being able to plug my iPhone into the bike, blast my own music while it is charging away. Was meant to be an easy session just spinning the legs over to get the HR up but as usual, couldn't help myself and end up doing five minutes of resistence, five minutes speed alternating but each resistence block harder than the last. Felt pretty darn good by the end of it. Just miffed that I forgot to bring my chest strap to keep tabs on my HR. Oh well.

Tomorrow morning is jog squad. I am thinking on my days off I'll throw in a weights session afterwards. Want be able to do that this time because I've got to be somewhere early afterwards.

Excited about jog squad. Last week it finally started to click. Just that little bit. I felt it. Even this morning when we ran I could feel it a little bit. After so much frustration! I will getting this running thing happening, I swear it!

Wednesday morning is group weights session. Figure on the weeks I work I can get up super early and punch out some intervals instead.

Thursday will be a stand alone session with my PT. Firstly because I am shattered after his sessions and secondly, I always work Thursday. My boy will now be training with me and I suspect it will be a very interesting experience. We are both highly competitive by nature and I know Matt will use that to drive us hard. Looking forward to that this week.

Friday is normally boot camp. This week we have the Monday morning chick. Again though, on my non-work weeks I'll hit the gym to cycle it out.

Weekends are rest. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

I need to keep things realistic and sustainable. I need to have enough rest days and I also shouldn't be trying to fit things after work. All the will happen is that I'll end up burning out, chronically feeling tired/busy and complaining about and imbalance between work/home/fitness.

See how we go - one step at a time.

From a nutrition perspective, I bought a stick blender this morning. Best $22 I've spent for a while. Shakers are just a pain in the butt. 10 seconds and there is an instant protein blend. Image and video hosting by TinyPic Going to also get myself the full version of calorie king again so that I can keep tabs on what is going in that mouth. Suspect once I've shed a bit of the fat I'll find things a lot easier. Amazed I can still do pushups with the amount I'm carrying at the moment. Fortunately, it is not too obvious externally at this stage.

Anyhow, time to get showered and off for some shopping. I need of some good food in the house again.
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