Author: Greeny
•Monday, January 05, 2009
So the last couple weeks of complacency and generalised fun have had somewhat detrimental effects on my progress.  Talk about peddling backwards rapidly.  It seems to take an eternity to remove weight but it comes back at a purely phenomenal speed.  Nothing too frightening has happened but I can see where things aren't quite like they used to be... oh well.  

I've devised a points system to help get back on track.  The primary aim of this system is to see when and where I fall down in generating the most ideal (but realistic) fitness schedule I can manage.  Food is weighted more heavily than all other aspects.  
  1. No junk +3
  2. Exercise +2 (divided into one point for daily practises & one for workouts)
  3. 100% effort +1
  4. Meal plans +1
  5. Nil excess on 1800 cal +1
  6. Greater than or equal to 1.5L water +1
  7. Adequate sleep +1
  8. No licking, picking or snacking between meals or when preparing food +1
  9. No alcohol
Hopefully, my final score w/ whatever deducted points will highlight any patterns that exist depending on day of the week, social activities and shift work.  If appropriate, I can modify these behaviours.

Did intervals this morning.  Have been feeling mentally sluggish with the realisation of weight gain but I got through to the end, plus one this time.  Although I didn't end up with a near gastrointestinal crisis, I did have my first experience of SOB.  It would have lasted all of about 30 second but it produced a very deep seated anxiety.  I am sure I'd kill myself from anxiety if I were some of the patients that I've attended.  Think I should run myself into the ground more often to reminded myself how bad it feels.
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