Author: Greeny
•Friday, September 11, 2009
I think I've been slapped with a good dose of PMT. Image and video hosting by TinyPic  As a teenager this would mean that the mere sound of my parents eating food provided enough provocation to send me off in a completely irrational rage. Nowadays, I am disabled by an inability to think rationally because clearly, the world is falling to pieces. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Today, I started the endurance, machine generating program.  Based on "Strength Conditioning for Fighters" plan by Chad Waterbury. Of course, I had this wonderful notion that I should just be perfect at it all straight away, despite the fact it was written for the elite in the world of MMA.  So, I was upset and angry that I couldn't do a full single legged squat and my head wasn't quite getting its way around all the muscles I needed to active to convert a Romanian deadlift to snatch-grip... and that wasn't even off the 4" box...

That was the morning session entitled "Absolute/Explosive Strength Training".  The boy wasn't up for a run this afternoon so I decided to fill in with the "Endurance Strength Training".  Farmer's walk, in the bag.  Sandbag runs were not quite so easy. I didn't have a sandbag so stuffed a couple towels around an 8kg kettlebell in a backpack and ran with that instead.  Boy that was hard work.  Managed to ignore the jeers from the clueless neighbours too.  Got to half way through my second set of burpees and once again my world collapsed.

I let it beat me...

Nothing more pathetic than lying on the ground crying Image and video hosting by TinyPic mentally declaring that I'm not anywhere near fit enough and useless etc.

If I'd just pushed out the last set then I would have reached the overhead medicine ball throw (kettlebell substitute)... it would have been hard and I would have done it.  Then I would have even coped with looking completely crazy doing a 4 limb run!

So very disappointed in myself... Image and video hosting by TinyPic

I'll hit it again soon.  I got beaten by my brain this time.

Hopefully, if not too sore, will go for a run in the morning.

Was going to write a little bit more about other things but Chrome is being ridiculously glitchy this evening and my computer is not coping with that failure and running MBAM at the same time.  Had enough negativity for one day.
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On Friday, September 11, 2009 at 11:16:00 PM GMT+10 , Guttermouth said...

It's okay, we all have setbacks... my mind has made me quit a few times here and there. It tried really hard this morning.

Just know though... your body is strong, and as it gets stronger your mind will find it increasingly difficult to psyche you out. Stay after it. Run on.

On Saturday, September 12, 2009 at 10:18:00 AM GMT+10 , Greeny said...

I hate when I let it get the better of me. The logical part of me knows very well what is happening and that all I really need to do is suck it up but it just seems to get overrun by the intensity of all the negative emotional/psychological rubbish. I should have just taken 10 minutes to get it out of my system and then got on with the job.

All part of the learning curve I guess... Thanks for the encouragement! :-)