Author: Greeny
•Thursday, September 10, 2009
Tuesday night I hopped it off to training. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

I have to say that I had a really good night. Things are generally going well and I feel like I've come the full circle to end up in the same place I first started.  It just feels like home.  Half the night was kata which was interrupted by Sensei A having a Red Bull moment and deciding we'd all practice knuckle pushups and core strength while he walked on our stomachs. It sounds cruel but we actually had a whole lot of fun.  The rest of the night was kumite.  I got spar with Sensei. A. first up and even though I would have preferred to go the second round, I was happy that I got the opportunity.  For the rest, I noticed my endurance had definately increased, my legs speed was faster (landed quite a few head height round house kicks), my focus was sharper and my techniques were stronger.  I also got to size up my potential opponents for the tournament. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Yesterday, I had a morning secret session.  Only the medicine ball core exercise was repeated and that was definitely easier. Think I did the rest pretty well although hating that for this type of training I am back to baby weights all over again! Image and video hosting by TinyPic

In terms of C25K, I had planned on yesterday being a rest day.  But after I got back from secret training I felt that I'd be able to hit it again and planned an afternoon session.  This planned was quickly discarded at the opportunity for another Geocache run. (Yes, the passionfruit forest is evil and you definitely deserve the dental floss for that!).   We did three... one difficult one, one dead easy and one somewhere in between.

It was late afternoon when we did return and heading into darkness but a heated disagreement left me feeling very hot headed and suddenly I found myself lacing up my running shoes...

Week 2 is 90 seconds run followed by 2 minutes (eternity) of walking.  For the first half I wasn't really paying great attention to what was going on while I sorted my emotional baggage.  However, my anger soon calmed and started to focus on the run.  I knew I was a little bit behind this time.  Two minutes seemed far too long for resting.  This time I noticed something new again.  After the breathing pattern kicked in it was as if the cardio settled into a rhythm.  There'd be a few seconds of pain but then it would settle and I honestly felt as I could just keep on running.  It was much like what I used to experience when I was kid doing long distance swims as part of training.  Phase one was easy, phase two a pattern, phase three a little pain, phase four synchronisation.  It was obviously a good pace.

Towards the end, I knew I'd hit home before the 20 minute mark again so opted to complete the third circuit. I waited until 21 minutes and then decided that I was going to run the rest of the way home, regardless of how long it did take.  It was a little longer this time, but I was behind the eight ball.  So, my last run interval ended up being 101 minutes instead.  Again, breathing was good , form was good and able to push that bit harder towards the end.

Stats for W2D1:

3.45 km in 22 minutes and 41 seconds, averaging 9.12km/hr.

Yep, the average speed was slower.  Just above that of W1D1 but my performance was better... not to mention an end of day run and being distracted!  I'm not worried... I'm proud!

This morning I've awoken without any soreness. No calf, achilles or shin pain... in fact.. not even pain from yesterday's secret training. Image and video hosting by TinyPic  Darn this running thing is good for me! Image and video hosting by TinyPic Feeling physically and mentally good...and watching the fat rapidly melt again!   These are going to be the best holidays!
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On Thursday, September 10, 2009 at 12:19:00 PM GMT+10 , Guttermouth said...

That's awesome that your fitness and cross training is paying dividends in multiple areas for you. I haven't been able to cross train due to a pulled back muscle from helping some friends move, but it's almost healed and looking forward to getting more active again. Keep up the great work!