Author: Greeny
•Thursday, September 10, 2009
I am not even going to talk about rest days anymore. Image and video hosting by TinyPic  All I am going to do is play it by ear and listen to what my body is telling me.

Today, despite waking up pain free, I waited until the afternoon to run with my boy.  I was feeling tired and had a power nap which helped to recharge and after a warmup treadmill walk and some stretching, I seemed good to go.

My man is able to run non-stop so we decided to go our separate ways and meet back at our place in ~20 minutes.

Although my legs were not sore, my muscles did feel fatigued and after the first minute, didn't feel anywhere near as good as previous days.  It wasn't anything I couldn't handle but I quickly abandoned being fast and focused on getting through the session.

I could have sworn I was behind but when I was reaching the end, I realised I was actually ahead of what I managed yesterday! Image and video hosting by TinyPic Knowing this, I stepped up the pace and got myself focused to finish hard.  Just as I was finishing off my walk interval, I saw my man round the corner heading up the T junction I was walking across.  This gave me an even bigger boost and the moment my watch hit 21minutes I jumped on the gas and sprinted all the way home, shaving an entire minute off my previous time! Image and video hosting by TinyPic

The sprint was great.  Legs and arm were in harmony, breathing was good and barely lost speed.  Damn good!

I think there were was a lot of psychology in the play today.  Not only for the strong finish but before I started when I was thinking about the run ahead and wondering if it all had been a fluke!

See what happens tomorrow.  Got a demon PT session tomorrow... been promised emesis.  Might knock me out for the next couple of days depending on the soreness.  Play it all by ear!

Stats for W2D2:

3.45km in 21 minutes and 47 seconds with an average speed of 9.5km/hr

Probably a bit skewed with the last sprint but that's ok...  Still a good performance!
This entry was posted on Thursday, September 10, 2009 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


On Thursday, September 10, 2009 at 9:49:00 PM GMT+10 , Guttermouth said...

Way to finish strong. I think it's pretty normal to try and go a little harder at the end. On my day 3 of each week of the C25K I've pushed a little faster/longer on each of the last intervals, just to prove that yes, I can do more. It really psyches me up for the next week. Nicely done!